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      Company Overview

      Contact us

      40.png  Company Name: Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

      a.png  Contact: Dong Shaoke Senior Consultant

      412.png  Contact number: 17611767936 (WeChat synchronization)

      b.png  E-mail: 309789562@qq.com

      Current position: Home >> Company Overview >> Company Profile

      Founded in 2009, Basil Headhunting is a headhunting company dedicated to the construction industry, providing high-end technical positions for architectural design, planning and design, landscape design, survey and design, and large construction companies. After nearly a decade of development, Basil has a team of highly qualified consultants, more than half of whom are engaged in the headhunting service in the construction industry for not less than five years. More than 1,000 companies have served, forming a business system centering on the two major economic circles of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and the Yangtze River Delta.

      Basil will continue to advance with its professional business strength, Hengyuan's integrity and customer demand. On the road of rapid expansion, we are willing to give outstanding, professional talents and practical consulting solutions to our customers, and help more companies and talents to enter a broader stage.

      Basil has more than 50 headhunting consultants, nearly 100 professional hunters, all undergraduate education, and the team members are aged 27-35 years old. More than half of the headhunting consultant team has been engaged in the construction industry for more than 5 years and has rich experience. This has created the professional, focused, efficient and high-quality team quality of Basil.

      In order to better serve the enterprise, we have hired well-known experts in the industry as our technical consultants to help us make the diagnosis of the needs of the enterprise, and more accurately control the matching between candidates and enterprises.

      We are passionate, we are full of vigor, we are dedicated, professional and striving for perfection.

      Contact us

      40.png  Company Name: Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

      a.png  Contact: Dong Shaoke Senior Consultant

      412.png  Contact number: 17611767936 (WeChat synchronization)

      b.png  E-mail: 309789562@qq.com

      Friendship link

      Copyright ? http://www.ncxlw.com/en/ Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co.
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