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      company culture

      Contact us

      40.png  Company Name: Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

      a.png  Contact: Dong Shaoke Senior Consultant

      412.png  Contact number: 17611767936 (WeChat synchronization)

      b.png  E-mail: 309789562@qq.com

      Current position: Home >> company culture >> company culture

      Basil, known as the king of vanilla in the plant world, is native to subtropical regions such as Africa and the United States. It has strong fertility in a cruel environment. Its leaves are green and fragrant, and are regarded as sacred objects by ancient people. In the 4th century AD, St. Bagil, the bishop of the Kassaria Church in northern Palestine, was born. This saint had a profound influence on the life of the believers. After his death, the believers named Basil in order to commemorate him. The flower means that the virtue of the saint is as fragrant as basil, and the people are cherished. It is said that people who are blessed by the flower of St. Bagl, born with the special function of the eye-catching hero, can help others to develop their strengths and are rare heroes behind the scenes.

      Basil was born in 2009. At that time, the headhunting industry was in the ascendant in China. In particular, the acceptance of headhunting by local enterprises was generally low. In addition, the headhunting practitioners were mixed, and the violation of integrity occurred from time to time, which led to the company’s “hunting”. Basil Company was born in such an environment. Since its inception, Basil has taken integrity as the source of life for the company, and professionally serves the purpose. After ten years of grinding a sword, Basil has always been based on the construction field. Years of operation, like the flower of St. Basil, has won wide acclaim and high recognition from new and old customers in the construction field.

      Basil people, such as basil flowers, no matter how cruel the external environment, they always remember the original heart, insist on serving customers with integrity and professional attitude, to assist enterprises and talents to develop together as their own responsibility, and to build efficient communication for enterprises and talents. bridge. They are a group of people who are blessed by the flowers of St. Bagl. They are a team with tenacious vitality. They are always on the move, moving forward, advancing, advancing toward the inner beliefs, regardless of the future prospects or the ditch.

      Contact us

      40.png  Company Name: Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd.

      a.png  Contact: Dong Shaoke Senior Consultant

      412.png  Contact number: 17611767936 (WeChat synchronization)

      b.png  E-mail: 309789562@qq.com

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      Copyright ? http://www.ncxlw.com/en/ Beijing Basil Enterprise Management Consulting Co.
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